US report on New Nuclear for Maritime lays down criteria for success to 2030


In the first of four reports, the Maritime Nuclear Applications Group (MNAG) has set out the key criteria for success of advanced nuclear technologies in the maritime industry to help understanding how advanced nuclear solutions can successfully integrate with marine applications. 

Read the full report here 

The report provides an introduction on the topic of advanced nuclear solutions for maritime applications, describing the composition, dynamics and mechanics of ocean transportation so that both nuclear and maritime sectors can explore the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the intersection of these two industries. 

As a demonstrative example, and based on the information available to MNAG, the report looks specifically at the unique opportunity for advanced nuclear marine applications between the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Investigating the readiness of the regulatory frameworks, infrastructure and technologies within these two countries can provide an explanatory baseline to consider advanced nuclear solutions for other national and international maritime applications. MNAG was set up to support near-term field demonstrations of advanced reactor technologies in marine settings by aligning with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC). MNAG’s membership includes representatives of organizations and firms from:

  1. Advanced Nuclear: System designers, Vendors, National Laboratories, Policy non-profits, Academia.
  2. Maritime: Vessel Owner/Operators, Classification, Maritime Law, Insurance, Flag States.
  3. U.S. Government: Independent regulatory organizations and Executive Branch department.
  4. Environmental: Industry groups.

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